A levitation, an escape from a box of danger and floating items will top the bill Sunday at St. Patrick School.
It isn’t just any old magic show. A Catholic priest who performs the tricks gears them toward deepening Christians’ faith.
Each "illusion," as the Rev. Leo Goodman III calls his feats, illustrates a Biblical principle that Goodman discusses.
For example, "if I’m talking about how sin can imprison us, can hold us in bondage, I will do an escape," he says.
The magic tricks appeal to young people in "this mass media culture" and help them remember the message, he says. "To try to get people’s attention, you really have to catch their eye."
Goodman, 42, started using magic when he began doing retreats more than 10 years ago.
Now a pastor at St. Mary’s Church in Lancaster, Goodman does only a few shows a year.
The tricks aren’t connected with divination or supernatural powers, the kind of magic the Catholic Church opposes, says Goodman, who calls his show "Magical Revelations." [Source]
Holy Smokes! No wonder some Catholics don’t read the Bible. I’d like to do the same trick with the National Catholic Reporter, only it wouldn’t be an illusion.
It is stupid publicity stunt photos like this which will be used by every Jack Chick-wannabe as “proof” of the Catholic position on the Bible.
(continuation) I say that organizations run solely by men who so literally “exclude” women are full of…OW…I would not raise my son in such an organization, and especially not my daughter if I had one. But, to each his own, God bless you all. Father will forgive you, for I really don’t think you know what you do, how you harm women.