A reader sent me a link to this Daughters of Wisdom site saying that it looks like one of my parodies. They do have some resemblance to the philosophy of my Thoroughly Modern Mary parody site (and I do need to post some more wisdom of Sister Mary Biko, PhD.) Reading through this site made me wonder if the Daughters of Charity are now a religious organization attached to the United Nations. You would find that the Daughters of Wisdom was founded by St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, but you would have no idea of the deep Marian devotion and theology of their founder. The Holy Father’s motto is Totus Tuus — short for "I am all yours, Mary, and all that I have is yours." This was based on the theology of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort of "to Jesus through Mary" since the Pope was heavily influenced by de Monfort’s classic work. Of course you wouldn’t come to find any information such as that on this site, in fact by the number of references and articles you would have thought that they were founded by Secretary General Kofi Annan.
For instance there is a page on the UN’s Earth Charter which is filled with talking about sustainability and reproductive health and responsible reproduction. Terms the left uses for abortion and contraception.
They had a presentation conducted by Dr. Carolyn Hannan who is the head of the UN Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) and is a Swedish expert in "gender mainstreaming." She is heavily involved in CEDAW which the Vatican has fought against and has called motherhood "reproductive labor."
And then there is an account of the
Daughters of Wisdom at a session of the United Nations. So if devotion to the UN is acceptable then these sisters are really POD.
Now as to be expected they use common progressive feminine buzz words as Wisdom/Sophia/Jesus and have enlightened liturgies.
A Eucharist of Thanksgiving followed, celebrated by Reverend Don LaSalle, SMM. The Offertory included liturgical dance led by Sr. Laura Algiere, Associate Joyce Smillie, and Sr. Marilyn Soeder, bringing a candle for the light of Wisdom; a response statue for openness to the Christ light; and the Earth taken from the hilltop at Litchfield. The entire assembly joined in reverent gestures on the last refrain of “May all I do today be for the healing of the world.” As part of the Communion meditation, all processed forward to receive a packet of the Earth.
Wow I have been to many Masses but I have never received a packet of dirt. I really feel gypped about this. Now when it comes to reverential gestures you can guess what is coming.
During a Communion meditation, Sr. Laura Algiere, DW offered a reverent liturgical dance to Gounod’s Ave Maria.
The reader who sent this in commented I thought "reverent liturgical dance" must be an oxymoron. Here is another example:
"As a Communion meditation, Sr. Marilyn Soeder offered a reverent liturgical dance to "Be Not Afraid",
First liturgical dance to "Ave Maria" and then on another day to "Be Not Afraid." I say be afraid, be very afraid. I would almost like a video for this just in time for Lent as a serious penance. You of course can also go to Wisdom House and book reservations for "Labyrinth: Theatre of Enlightenment" which are run by an Episcopal priestess named Dr. Lauren Artress. So just in case you don’t understand the labyrinth she explains it as :a model of spiritual cosmology that is quite unrecognizable to the modern mentality." Got that now? Of course you know what you sing inside of a labyrinth – A-Maze-ing Grace.
Having a weakness for martial arts movies,especially really hokey Chinese wire-fu ones, I am use to the strange names to fighting styles such as "Flying Crane Hand" or "Wushu eagle claw." This is what came to mind when I saw the following.
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"Where for Art Thou, Juliet?" fighting style
Orthodoxy Stay-Away Hands
Stop the liturgy – what time is it hands.
“Orthodoxy Stay-Away Hands”? ROTFL!
Jeff, you continue to amaze me with your comments. Reading your blog cracks me up.
Glad you were able to put this to good use!
St. Louis de Montfort is greatly saddened I’m sure, and offering up intercession for their conversion of heart!
That website has nary a mention of Mass anywhere, no rosary, no Holy Father, no Liturgy of the Hours, the Eucharist is never mentioned, and I did not find one mention of our Blessed Mother anywhere either! There is nothing Catholic about that group except that they claim to be Catholic. How they, and all the other so-called “religous orders” get away with this nonsense is beyond me. They are a scandal to every other good and truly Catholic religious order out there.
It really appears that these women have claimed the Earth as their god. They do not seek heaven, they seek to make the world their heaven.
Like the dwarves in CS Lewis’ final Narnia book, they too may find themselves one day seeing straw when they should be seeing the glory of God, because they cannot bear to leave the world behind.
haha, this is not the only time I’ve seen this. I went to midnight mass on Christmas at the home chapel for sisters of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio. I was confused by the elderly women performing a couple of what looked like ‘earth mother dances’ in the middle of the mass(looks like the same moves as what you saw, except they prominently featured a cermaic bowl that was carried for some reason, and lots of scarf waving). I didn’t understand those were sisters until my mom explained that to me later.
Is this a new trend in nunneries?
I thought that liturgical dance was not allowed during Mass. Is it?
Wow, a baggie of dirt. I’m standing in line for mine. Oh wait a minute (looks down) never mind, I can make my own.
You are right; liturgical dance is not allowed during Mass. Unfortunately, there are people who do it anyway.
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