Below is an email that was sent to members of the University of Notre Dame pro-life group about the viscous destruction of a field of 1200 crosses that their group had erected for Respect Life Month.
As many of you know, the Cemetery for the Innocents present on south quad this Thursday and Friday was destroyed by vandals early Friday morning between the hours of 3:00 and 6:30 a.m. A report has been filed with the security police,and they are currently investigating the attack.
As for the damage sustained, the vandals broke 900 of the 1200 crosses on the quad, pulling the cross beams off of the stakes and scattering them on the grass.
Thank you to all who stopped by during the day to help reassemble the crosses and put them back on the quad. Over 1,000 crosses were reassembled successfully, though the remainder were unsalvageable. (source)
This is not exactly what Jesus meant when he said pick up your cross daily.
This is a story that repeats itself across the country. Last year in my diocese the same thing happened. Recently at a university a person was beaten by pro-choicer’s for the crime of taking literature from a pro-life table. These people should really be referred to as pro-qualififed-choice. You are allowed to choose just as long as your choice is in conformance with the outcome that they want. You can’t choose to be against abortion or contraception and be pro-choice by their definition. By this tortured logic if you choose to be pro-life you are anti-choice. The abortion brown shirt tactics are increased vandalism, verbal abuse, and at times more violent actions. There was recently a t-shirt that said something like "I was beaten by a tolerant open-minded person."
The sad thing is that both sides of the abortion debate occasionally resort to violence to prove their points…remember the spates of abortion clinic bombings and damaging, and also the shooting of abortion doctors?
The sheer immorality and sin of abortion is enough to raise anyone’s anger who is pro-life, and the pro-abortion side of the argument has few scruples and even fewer morals/restraint. But neither side ever has an excuse for violence, vandalism, or harm to others.
As a South Bend resident, this story never made the local paper (at least that I am aware, maybe I missed the story), and that is even a sadder issue.
When you lack truth, violence is your only weapon.
I think you mean “vicious”, not viscous. Unless it was all about the oil. π
It really boggles the mind.
The fact that pro-choicers more often that not resort to violence and ad-hominem attacks on their “discussions” …
I think I know where I prefer to be…