From Michelle Malkin.
Via one of my blog heroines, Michele Catalano, there is good news for bloggers who use Movable Type and are sick of Reuters’ penchant for sanitizing Islamofascist killers (which I vented about here). A blogger in Brussels has invented a killer app that substitutes the word "terrorist" for every weasel word used by terrorist-sympathizing news organizations (e.g. "militant," "gunmen," etc.).
That is pretty cool. There are also plenty of word combinations that I would like to have a macro or Movable Type plugin to automatically replace.
Original word or phrase | Replacement |
anti-choice | pro-life |
fetus | unborn child |
product of conception | unborn child |
Embryonic Stem-Cell Research | mass murder |
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer | cloning |
personally opposed | politically favor |
edgy or pushing the limit | immoral crap |
upper one percent | taxpayers already paying 33% of tax bill |
race preferences | government enforced racism |
right wing | conservative |
frail pope | heroic suffering pope |
Vatican attacks | Vatican issues document |
women reproductive rights | abortion at all costs |
racist := conservative who bests a liberal in an argument
unborn child=preborn child. 🙂
Yes, we must catch up 😉 Don’t you remember that the pro-abortion newspapers already have such a thing? Or must I remind you of Richard Strauss’ “anti-abortion” opera “Die Frau Ohne Schatten”? –
Great ones, really put it the way it really is.