A reader sent me a link to a collection on Something Awful of mock religious goods. There are some pretty funny items in this collection of Photoshopped toys.
Something Funny
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A reader sent me a link to a collection on Something Awful of mock religious goods. There are some pretty funny items in this collection of Photoshopped toys.
Not to keen on religous joking no matter how funny they are. But there was this pastor who woke up on Sunday morning to a beautiful day. He thought to himself. I would rather be golfing. So be decided to call in sick and go golfing. He was having the best game of his life when an angel went to god and said. Hey that’s not fair that he’s having the best game of his life after telling such a lie. Don’t worry god said I’ll take care of it. On the last hole he hit the perfect ball and landed a hole in one. The angel went to god again and said how is that punishing him. God replied. “Who’s he going to tell” 🙂
The first one is awful, but the transubstantiators would have been better if they didn’t change at all. They would have the accidents of toy robots, but the substance of…a toy car…or something. And where’s the St. Sebastien dart board?
I should probably clear myself up and say that I do believe that the bread and wine does in fact change in substance into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. I in no way meant to say that they do not. I should have worded the entry above this one a little better.