Politics Where do I sign up? by Jeffrey Miller July 27, 2004 written by Jeffrey Miller July 27, 2004 Mark Winsor has some interesting ideas for a plafform of a Christian Republic Party. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post More convention humor next post Selective Disclosure on Selective Reduction You may also like Leaven in the Democratic Party October 27, 2004 Judging judges November 7, 2006 Knock yourself out January 9, 2008 The attempts to bring the Church under control October 14, 2016 Kerry's MTV interview April 1, 2004 Soldiers in the armies of compassion. August 3, 2004 The NYT, Politicians, and Celebrities Weigh In June 19, 2021 Mainstream Mormonism August 1, 2012 Stupidity begets stupidity August 23, 2003 Dean Dong January 20, 2004