Here is a letter from the head of Human Life International, Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer. [link via AMDG]
Dear Congresswoman Pelosi,
Thank you for clarifying for all U.S. Catholics the meaning of the word “apostasy.” Your May 10 letter to Cardinal McCarrick qualifies for what the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines as the “total repudiation of the Christian faith” (�2089). That, by the way, is a document you may wish to consult before writing another letter to a prince of Christ’s Church.
Not only did your letter manifest an utterly infantile understanding of the Catholic Faith-the Blessed Sacrament is properly called the Eucharist, not the “sacrament of holy communion,” please-it was intellectually dishonest in the extreme. Your lip service paid to the teaching office of the bishops while knifing their authority in the back is a treachery that deserves the scathing contempt of every honest person, Catholic or otherwise.
You have lost your faith. Just admit it. One either accepts the hierarchy of truths and the hierarchy of authority, or she doesn’t. You obviously don’t. In such case by continuing to call yourself Catholic you are gambling with the most precious of all birthrights, your own soul; and it’s yours to lose. I can understand that it is not politically correct to care about your immortal soul-prescription drug benefits are more popular in Washington-but at least have the decency not to make the souls of others “twice as fit for hell” as you. Have you forgotten about the millstone? The Lord delivered that image to another group of sophisticated public officials who scandalized the weak in faith.
All those who dare call themselves Catholic while shamelessly advocating the death of Christ’s “least brethren” will not have the Supreme Court to appeal to on the Day of Judgment. There is a Supreme Judge that you should be more concerned about. However, He obliges no one to remain in the Catholic Church. Membership is, above all, a free “choice.” The door of the Church that opens wide to welcome every repentant sinner swings both ways. In the Name of Jesus, use it and spare the rest of us your perversity.
I hold out hope that some day you will see the light and want to reconcile with the Church you have so brazenly betrayed. If so, call me. I will hear your confession. But get ready to do some serious penance.
This letter is a good remedy after reading statements from Bishop James Moynihan and Cardinal Keeler.
Update: Tom of Disputations has some thoughts on this letter. What I enjoy so much about Disputations is that it helps me to sometimes reflect deeper on a subject and to help me rethink what I might rant about. In this case I think his analysis is correct and my initial positive reaction was just a response to desiring something stronger than the normal weak and pandering language we often hear on the subject.
Wish the Pope would speak up definitely about this. Not only do the above mentioned bishops agree to give communion, but so would a doctor of the Church, see Summa, 3rd part, question 88.
If Jesus communioned with betrayers, Peter and Judas, then He, Himself, would not deny His Body and Blood to sinners.
I agree that if you are not in full communion with the Church, then don’t receive. But I can not judge another person.
Mary refuge of sinners, pray for us.
While it is true that we can not judge a person interior disposition and their ultimate end we are called to judge exterior acts.
Over and over in scripture we are called to rebuke the sinner. We must judge exterior acts to do this. Granted we must remove the log from our own eyes but once this is done it is our duty to remind those in objective sin to repent. To not do this is merciless.
We are all sinners, but those in objectively grave sin increase their own sin when they receive Communion unworthily. Especially as St. Paul says they are eating and drinking judgment upon themselves.
You are correct. Maybe it’s the log in my eye, but I can’t picture Jesus denying His Body and Blood to anyone.
The letter is rather harsh in tone. I like the fact that he spoke up, but I do agree it has more of that “first draft” quality to it.
I read Tom’s analysis as well and I still think it’s a great letter. Nancy Pelosi and others of her ‘persuasion’ will not be swayed by nice talk regarding Church teaching, morality, reason or logic. Of course, Fr. Euteneuer’s letter is harsh – it may be the only language these people understand. Perhaps, God willing, one of them will take heed.
Look at the post above regarding Dick Durbin, for example. These ‘apostates’ have rejected the faith and continue to do so. They are deserving of contempt for the evil they endorse. They are, however, in need of much prayer so that their minds might be enlightened and in so doing, their hearts and wills will be converted.
The Mystical Body of Christ is being poisoned by heresy and apostacy from within. The cancerous infection should be removed before more succumb to its inevitable death. I suspect many have become desensitized to the rampant dissent and rejection of truth and, subsequently, may be unable or unwilling to confront evil forcefully. I commend Fr. Euteneuer for telling it like it is!
Many times, something like this is needed to ‘shock’ one who is so addicted into seeing the truth so that they may be saved from eternal punishment.
I agree with Irs, sometimes the proverbial kick in the butt is what starts a conversion. Not everyone obviously can have their hearts turned by words that are soothing and pastoral. I think Jesus had that in mind when he said “hypocrites”,”vipers”, “Satan”, and when he said people will cry out, “Lord, Lord” and his response will be, “I never knew you!”
Jesus had communion with Peter and Judas at the last supper. Judas however never had communion with Christ again after publically betraying him. You should also note that in John 6, whe disciples start leaving Christ after his explanation of the Eucharist – He doesn’t call them back.