VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope John Paul II warned several U.S. bishops Friday that American society is in danger of turning against spirituality in favor of materialistic desires, giving way to a “soulless vision of life.”
To fight this, the pontiff argued, the U.S. church must study contemporary culture to find a way to appeal to youths. He made his remarks to bishops from Indianapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee who were making a periodic visit to the Vatican.
The American church “is called to respond to the profound religious needs and aspirations of a society increasingly in danger of forgetting its spiritual roots and yielding to a purely materialistic and soulless vision of the world,” John Paul said.
“Taking up this challenge, however, will require a realistic and comprehensive reading of the ‘signs of the times,’ in order to develop a persuasive presentation of the Catholic faith and prepare young people especially to dialogue with their contemporaries about the Christian message and its relevance to the building of a more just, humane and peaceful world.”
John Paul added: “An effective proclamation of the Gospel in contemporary Western society will need to confront directly the widespread spirit of agnosticism and relativism which has cast doubt on reason’s ability to know the truth, which alone satisfies the human heart’s restless quest for meaning.”
[Full Story]
Spot on, as the English would say.
NO. The church is called to teach the truths of the Catholic faith. That would be a novelty in many places anymore.
Just teach the faith staight, factual. People are going to choose no matter what you or he or I say. People need to hear it straight so it’s one of their possible choices. It’s just that simple.
Yes, teach the faith straight, factual, and with love. Because without that, we are nothing.
I agree, we need the truth instead of a show that attracts. When people start attending mass only because it is “fun”, or because of the music, we’ve got a serious problem. It might bring people in, but they won’t stay and the theology will be watered down. Take a look at our Protestant brothers to see innumerable examples of this. Sadly enough this very thing is happening in some of our own parishes because people are more worried about entertainment than meaning 🙁
I agree. The text is there, we need to adhere to it and knock off the calisthenics. Plain old doctrine accompanied by plain old decency and genuine love is called for. There is no flashy substitute that is going to turn around the situation we have.
The last 40 years have been a disaster. Yes, we have to turn it around, but it isn’t going to be the discovery of a *new stunt* that’s going to do it, if indeed it gets done.
I’m not sure whether the comments above are in agreement with the Pope or in disagreement. Are you saying that you don’t study your own children, in your own house, and try to find ways to make religion relevant in their lives? Do you just open the Bible and the Catechism and tell them to read it? Weren’t the gospels written with different audiences in mind, with different focuses based on who the apostles were trying to reach? How is what the Pope is saying any different?
“…and prepare young people especially to dialogue with their contemporaries about the Christian message and its relevance to the building of a more just, humane and peaceful world.”
How about …to dialogue with their contemporaries about the Christian message and its relevance to getting to heaven and avoiding hell and eternal damnation? Real love tells the truth. The whole truth.
yada, yada and yada. There is no **magic stunt** that will do the trick. Just tell the truth with good old fashioned doctrine underlined and don’t forget real love, the tough and honest kind. If they’re going to come, they’ll come.
We’ve had 40 years of this make-it-fluffy for people emotional sappy crap and lost half the population of the church in the US and nearly all (95%) in Europe. Some of you guys are not going to be happy till the whole thing is gone!
In the ‘out of the mouths of babes’ catagory, while using the Baltimore catechism to make outlines for the CCD class I teach,(shh don’t tell anyone) my 10 year old daughter became interested. After giving her a little quiz (she did quite well I’m happy to say), she said “Mom why don’t they just teach it(religion) like this? It’s so much simpler.”
tell the truth with love