I just noticed this while leaving a comment at The Theoscope. At the top of the comment form it says:
Remember, my guardian angel is logging your IP!
Now that is pretty cool. Though I do wonder what her Guardian Angel would do with that information in case a troll did prowl her comment boxes. Would her guardian launch a Denial of Grace attack on the troll I.P.? Flood the offending trolls modem with intercessory prayer? Now obviously the Guardian Angel could bump this miscreants action up to a higher power and I am not talking about their ISP. Of course the troll could find themself one day behind the ultimate firewall, well I guess it is not only the walls that are made of fire down there.
ROFLMAO @ D.O.G. attack
Lol Jeff. I wrote that, thinking it might help people to remember that I am a real person…with real feelings! 🙂
Although I think I have a good relationship with my guardian angel (I named him too!), I doubt he would be lauching a denial of grace to a troll. I make his job easy and use the ban button instead!! 🙂
And I like the name of your ‘blog, Julie! I used to be a big Cosby Show fan, myself, but my favorite was Lisa Bonet.
Lol. Thanks victor!
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