Pupils across Lincolnshire may soon be able to sit exams without fear of failing, when new government guidelines come into effect.
The guidelines, for marking key national curriculum exams, recommend that the current F grade, for ‘fail’, should be replaced with an N grade, for ‘nearly’.
The guidelines were sent out to markers of this summer’s exams by the Government’s Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
They include instructions that maths exam answers should be marked as either ‘creditworthy’ or ‘not creditworthy’, rather than correct or incorrect.
[Full Story]
We should adopt this terminology throughout life so that nothing seems negative and our self esteem can be totally based on nothing. You are not bankrupt, you are nearly solvent. You are not fired, you are nearly employed. You are not stupid you are nearly intelligent. Don’t feel bad that you were not hired, you just were just not salary worthy. You are not in hell, you were nearly justified. The education establishment has determined that the best way to bring equality to education is to make everyone equally stupid.
Let’s see if this also works on eternity:
“You’re not eternally damned, you’re just forever waiting to get into paradise!”
Doesn’t do it for me….
The Watcher adresses a speech given by French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie, where Alliot-Marie says:”But anti-terrorism efforts will succeed only if we also address the causes of terrorism, namely the sense of frustration in the face of injust…