Judging by some of the reviews of the Luther movie, they should have believed in Sola Rewrite the Scriptura.
Review by Bill Cork of Ut Unim Sint
Review by Steven D. Greydanus of DecentFilms.com
Review by Barbara Nicolosi of Chuch of the Masses
My husband and I were wondering which side of the Protest this movie would be on, and now we know. Of course instead of “Apostate. Unsound. Heretic.” the tag line reads “Rebel. Genius. Liberator.”
The movie website does more than promote the movie. There is actually a dot-com “Lutherstore” (I kid you not) that Luther fans may visit in order to purchase Luther T-shirts emblazoned with the words “Sin Boldly” (?) and others that sport Luther’s seal. Could this be described as an example of the “hero worship” we’ve been hearing so much about lately?
Oh, and as an extra bonus, the 95 theses of the “liberator” and “genius” are also posted.
Actually, I saw the movie tonight (er, last night?) and I think it fairly accurately portrayed what went on. I felt that Luther, while not depicted as an evil heretic, was not quite a hero either. After all, they did show that his “movement” resulted in a peasant revolt which was put down extremely violently. Then again, maybe I just see what I want to see.