Tampa, Florida-AP — Florida Governor Jeb Bush has stepped into the fray over keeping a brain-damaged woman alive.
Bush has asked a circuit judge to delay setting a date to remove Terry Shiavo’s (SHY’-vohz) feeding tube. Bush wants time for the court to appoint a guardian, who he says could give an unbiased view of Schiavo’s best interests.
Bush said his office has received thousands of e-mails, asking him to intervene.
[Full Story]
It is nice to live in a state with a real pro-life governor. Now it is your turn Florida Catholic Conference.
Update: Bishop Robert Lynch of the Diocese of St. Petersburg has a statement on-line.
[Via Ut Unum Sint]
Update: Florida Judge Rejects Governor’s Bid to Help Terri Schiavo
A living will? Ugh.
A misnomer, too. They’re usually used to terminate life – kill me if I’m in a PVS. Like a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order.
Jeb for Prez in 2008!