Uncategorized Automatic Bad Movie Trailer Generator by Jeffrey Miller July 12, 2003 written by Jeffrey Miller July 12, 2003 Go here and make a movie trailer for your own bad movie. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Macphistopheles next post Dear Abby's advice to bloggers You may also like Juan Diego real? July 24, 2002 Zero tolerance in not tolerated by the Vatican August 14, 2002 Pro-Abortion Democrat is repetitive October 23, 2002 Fr. Fessio SJ September 19, 2002 I wish I could CRY like Superman September 17, 2002 Jesuit college bars pro-life group for 'bias' December 23, 2003 Pig Latin Fridays October 18, 2002 Rotarians host 'anti-Catholic' lawmaker September 10, 2002 Night of the Living Democrat October 31, 2002 New motto August 25, 2002