Here is a judgmental article on how abortion (which isn’ wrong after all) counseling shouldn’t be judgmental.
When it comes to abortion, the issue is most often seen as a black-or-white, right-and-wrong, us-against-them political debate.
Aspen Baker realized this several years ago when she went to a bookstore looking for medical information after she had an abortion. What she found surprised her: all the books on abortion were in the politics section of the store, not the women’s health section.
This article talks about a counseling service called Exhale which describes itself.
“We’re not a political organization and we’re not a pro-choice organization,” Baker says adamantly. However, counselors must be committed to reproductive freedom and are screened on their ability to provide non-judgmental support to all callers, especially in regards to callers whose decisions fall outside social norms, such as callers who are young or have had several abortions.
Exhale runs off two truths, Baker says: Abortion is legal and abortion is normal.
Yep, that sure is my definition of a group that is not pro-choice. Abortion as reproductive freedom and stating that it is normal could easily be confused with the pro-life platform.
[Full Story][Exhale News]