The retired dentist will move to Corpus Christi, Texas � straight into the heat of August � to begin study for the priesthood. He’ll be ordained at age 72 and is already the grandfather of four human children.
On his Web site,, Berry explains:
“My wife Leah and I retired and moved here in 1997, along with our cats and dog. We came for the climate, the skiing and the beauty. Little did we know what the Lord had in store for us. Within two years, Leah was diagnosed with an Alzheimer’s type of dementia. In the fall of 2001 she began to decline rapidly, having a stroke in early December 2001 that ultimately led to her death in March 2002.
“In the year after her death, it became clear that the Lord had something more for me to do. After lengthy discernment and spiritual direction, I applied for entrance into the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. They have no age limit and have accepted me as a candidate. . . . I am unable, of course, to take my animals with me. . . . If I fail to find homes for them, I will have to leave them at a shelter where they will almost certainly be euthanized.
[Full Story]
1 comment
I’d like to help out, but my wife will not allow an animal in the house.