The Pope might soon allow the world’s Catholic priests the right to celebrate the old rite Latin Mass on Sundays and holy days without the permission of their bishops, according to sources close to the Vatican.
John Paul II is understood to be ready to grant a “universal indult” by the end of the year to permit all priests to choose freely between the celebration of Mass in the so-called Tridentine rite used up to 1962 – before the disciplinary reforms of the Second Vatican Council – and the novus ordo Mass used after 1970.
It will mean that a priest who wants to celebrate old rite Masses will no longer need to apply for an indult to Ecclesia Dei, a pontifical commission set up to study the implications of the Lefebvrist schism, after first gaining permission from his bishop.
The indult may be announced as part of the publication of forthcoming juridical notes on Ecclesia de Eucharistia, the new encyclical on the Eucharist, published on Holy Thursday, in which the Pope affirmed the Church’s traditional teaching of the sacrificial nature of the Mass.
It might also be announced at the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome on May 24, when Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, the Prefect for the Congregation of the Clergy and the president of Ecclesia Dei, becomes the first cardinal prefect to celebrate an old rite Mass in a main Roman basilica for 30 years. Organised by the Latin Mass movement, Una Voce, the event is one of many indications that Rome is dropping restrictions on the celebration of the old rite.
[Full Article]
I am rather skeptical of this report being true. I personally like the old rite Latin Mass and have attended the indult Mass at my parish. I can see all kinds of potential problems with the approach of being able to offer either Mass. I can see priests being attacked by some people just because they don’t do the Latin Mass or vice versa. Of course the Church as always had multiple rites celebrating the Mass and different religious orders having their own variation so maybe there might not be any major problems with this if the report is true.
While I would welcome an even greater allowance of the Tridentine Rite Mass, I think that a blanket permission for all priests to use the Tridentine Rite Mass might well cause disaster. For example, can you imagine the screams of anguish from RadTrads over female altar servers assisting the priest during an indult Tridentine? Without rules and norms governing the celebration of an indult Tridentine, chaos such as that is very likely to reign. If this rumor is true, I hope the Holy Father — or, at his direction, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments — will provide explicit guidance to such a universal permission for the indult Tridentine.
I have heard Michelle’s concern’s expressed before by others. Perhaps I am naive, but I don’t think that a priest who wanted to use altar girls (or anything similar) would touch the Trid Mass. It takes quite a bit of discipline to say a Trid Mass (the Latin only being the half of it). Aside from the fact that such things as altar girls go contrary to the rubrics of the ’62 Missal–which I assume will remain in place–this Missal is particularly uncongenial to those who have been playing losey-goosey with the liturgy for the past 40 years. I think, frankly, that the only priests who would excercise their right to the ’62 Missal would be those who love liturgical tradition.
This is an interesting report. I also hope that there is room in the western church for more than one rite. Regards the concerns expressed by Michelle… they are largely groundless. The pontifical commission established by the Pope to provide guidance for the use of the 1962 Missal has already issued very strict rules. In simple terms they prohibit the mixing of rites or rubrics. Those priests celebrating and the laity assisting at Mass using the 1962 Missal are required to abide by the rubrics and disciplinary norms in effect at the time. As such, almost all of the post-Vatican II liturgical innovations are not allowed.
I am just going to say what I see bluntly, space
forces me to keep this brief.
First, the novus ordo mass is sacrilegious. All
one has to do is examine honestly how the Holy
Eucharist is handled to see the abominations involved.
Second, the Society of Pope Saint Pius X fought
the novus ordo from the outset, with many others, but
Note these dates
Third, Paul VI instituted the novus ordo in 1970,
and all our churches were required to use it and
abandon the still valid Tridentine Mass.
However, the Society if Pius X continued to use
only the Tridentine Mass, and the Society also
continued to fight against other abuses, such as
the New Ecumenism and Modernism, all condemned by
previous popes.
Fourth, in 1984, John Paul II began the Indult for
the Tridentine Mass, under strict rules, the main
of which was that churches allowed to use it also
had to continue using the novus ordo.
Fifth, in 1988, the Priestly Fraternity of Saint
Peter was begun and allowed to use the Tridentine
but was required to use the novus ordo also.
Sixth, in 1990, the Institute of Christ the King
was begun, also using the Tridentine, and also
required to use the novus ordo.
Is anyone “seeing the pattern” here ????
It begins with an attempt to Exterminate the
Tridentine Mass out of existence !!! in 1970, but
With the Society of Pius X refusing to stop using
the Very Sacred and Holy Tridentine Mass and many
people going to the Society, not to mention the
large numbers who just left the church.
We next saw, 14 years later, the Papal Indult to
allow a very limited and controlled Tridentine
Mass to exist, mainly to compete with the Society
of Pius X to put it out of existence.
2 years later, in 1988, the Priestly Fraternity
of Saint Peter was begun, same story, allowed to
use the Tridentine, but required to also use the
novus ordo most of the time.
Then, 2 years later, in 1990, the Institute of
Christ the King was established, and allowed to
use the Tridentine, but also having to use the
novus ordo most of the time.
And, while all of that was going on, we have seen
our other churches become more and more Protestant
in the ways the novus ordo keeps being changed.
Recognize what the Papal Indult is – it is giving
permission to do something, but understand that
the permission is just as easily taken away !!
BUT, as the years continued, the Society of Pope
Saint Pius X has grown by leaps and bounds, and
the Reverence of its Tridentine Masses continues.
And, in 1988, when Archbishop Lefebvre is old and
realizes he will soon die, so the decision is made
to Consecrate 4 new bishops to continue the work
of the Society after his death. The pope tries to
stop this (the reasoning is obvious) but the four
new bishops are validly consecrated anyway.
At this point the word goes out that the Society
is in schism and anyone joining it is no longer in
the Church – in short, everything is being done to
put the Society out of existence.
And, at the same time, pagan religions are being
said to lead people to God (see more about this on
the Peace Conference at Assisi) and things like
Voodoo are even raised to respectable status by
the Vatican.
Jesus said, “By their works you shall know them!”
Isn’t it about time to examine these works ??
Check out the Church’s Plans for Fatima for one
YES, this message is a WAKE UP CALL !!!
There is much much more, read the History of all
of this here, and see the TRUTH
Let me know if you see what is really happening.
The TRUTH is that, while the Society of Pius X has
fought to remain faithful to Centuries of Church
Teachings and Traditions, ever since Vatican II
Rome has gone a different direction and given its
blessing to many abominations.
I am just going to say what I see bluntly, space
forces me to keep this brief.
First, the novus ordo mass is sacrilegious. All
one has to do is examine honestly how the Holy
Eucharist is handled to see the abominations involved.
Second, the Society of Pope Saint Pius X fought
the novus ordo from the outset, with many others, but
Note these dates
Third, Paul VI instituted the novus ordo in 1970,
and all our churches were required to use it and
abandon the still valid Tridentine Mass.
However, the Society if Pius X continued to use
only the Tridentine Mass, and the Society also
continued to fight against other abuses, such as
the New Ecumenism and Modernism, all condemned by
previous popes.
Fourth, in 1984, John Paul II began the Indult for
the Tridentine Mass, under strict rules, the main
of which was that churches allowed to use it also
had to continue using the novus ordo.
Fifth, in 1988, the Priestly Fraternity of Saint
Peter was begun and allowed to use the Tridentine
but was required to use the novus ordo also.
Sixth, in 1990, the Institute of Christ the King
was begun, also using the Tridentine, and also
required to use the novus ordo.
Is anyone “seeing the pattern” here ????
It begins with an attempt to Exterminate the
Tridentine Mass out of existence !!! in 1970, but
With the Society of Pius X refusing to stop using
the Very Sacred and Holy Tridentine Mass and many
people going to the Society, not to mention the
large numbers who just left the church.
We next saw, 14 years later, the Papal Indult to
allow a very limited and controlled Tridentine
Mass to exist, mainly to compete with the Society
of Pius X to put it out of existence.
2 years later, in 1988, the Priestly Fraternity
of Saint Peter was begun, same story, allowed to
use the Tridentine, but required to also use the
novus ordo most of the time.
Then, 2 years later, in 1990, the Institute of
Christ the King was established, and allowed to
use the Tridentine, but also having to use the
novus ordo most of the time.
And, while all of that was going on, we have seen
our other churches become more and more Protestant
in the ways the novus ordo keeps being changed.
Recognize what the Papal Indult is – it is giving
permission to do something, but understand that
the permission is just as easily taken away !!
BUT, as the years continued, the Society of Pope
Saint Pius X has grown by leaps and bounds, and
the Reverence of its Tridentine Masses continues.
And, in 1988, when Archbishop Lefebvre is old and
realizes he will soon die, so the decision is made
to Consecrate 4 new bishops to continue the work
of the Society after his death. The pope tries to
stop this (the reasoning is obvious) but the four
new bishops are validly consecrated anyway.
At this point the word goes out that the Society
is in schism and anyone joining it is no longer in
the Church – in short, everything is being done to
put the Society out of existence.
And, at the same time, pagan religions are being
said to lead people to God (see more about this on
the Peace Conference at Assisi) and things like
Voodoo are even raised to respectable status by
the Vatican.
Jesus said, “By their works you shall know them!”
Isn’t it about time to examine these works ??
Check out the Church’s Plans for Fatima for one
YES, this message is a WAKE UP CALL !!!
There is much much more, read the History of all
of this here, and see the TRUTH
Let me know if you see what is really happening.
The TRUTH is that, while the Society of Pius X has
fought to remain faithful to Centuries of Church
Teachings and Traditions, ever since Vatican II
Rome has gone a different direction and given its
blessing to many abominations.
Sorry, Varacha–I consider myself a traditionalist, I attend the Traditional Mass on an almost daily basis–but the SSPX’s actions cannot be condoned. Abp. Lefebvre’s flagrant disobedience and schismatic act brought a great deal of ignominy on the Society. Because of the SSPX’s completely arrogant and foolish course of action, other Traditional priestly societies in full communion with the Church now have to struggle against increased suspicion and hostility towards the Latin Mass of 1962. The SSPX did not do the Traditional Mass any favors.
As a covert to Catholic Christianity I really feel like I am back in a protestant (Lutheran/Anglican) service when I attend a novus ordo/Masonic/Bugnini/Paul V1 mass. I DID NOT become a Roman Catholic to be reintroduced to Schismatic protestantism. The Tridentine Mass can never be outlawed or sent to the the dustbin of history by any pope. Millions who have not left the church because of heretical ecumenicism and phony collegiality not to mention the Freemasons mass of Paul V1 are flocking to the Tridentine Rite. Sadly millions have left the church since the rape of the post Vatican 2 Church and are lost forever. So much for the fruits of the second vatican council.P.S To the novus ordo seminarians Yes there was a Catholic Church prior to Vatican 11???????????? Shalom
We are just starting an regular “Old Rite Mass” in our diocese one on a Sunday once a month and one on a weekday.
It has been a very hard a long fight to get these out of our Archbishop.
Regratably I find that Trads are their own worst enemy nit picking and never satisified. We tend to want everthing yesterday and that won’t be the case it will take time, a lot of time to re-educate the Catholic population to what the Mass was, is and will always be. Many indeed have not the slightest idea of what the very basisc of our Faith are it is as allien to then as it would be to a Baptist minister.
It will take time but it will come. As for the SSPX it will go the way of all the other grups that have gone off on their own, eg. the “Old Catholic Church” and many other. It will be come just another one of these groups, unless under a moderate leader they will come back compleatly within the fold of Rome.
Without Rome there is no true tradtion, Rome may have made very many errors over thge last 30 years but I believe this had to be, now we must get back to the Truth, unite under the cross to defeat the enemy of truth and Our Blessed Lord, all the false religons that are raging around the world and the father of these, Satan.
Ora Pro Me
well, i was wondering, if the pope, Benedict XVI, has given the universal indult for the tridentine mass????
there are rumors about the indult bieng given, today, holy thursday, april 13, 2006.
i live in the arlington diocese. i go to st. raymond of pennafort’s. that is not one of the two that the bishop gave permission to.those were st. lawrence, were i go to dailey mass on fridays, and st. john the baptist in front royal, were our new, great P.V., came from.