Welcome to Daniel Baker of Gaudete Semper (Rejoice Always). I’ve been tempted to give my blog a Latin title that would look cool and appeal to my Catholic geek jester sensibilities.
cella frigorifera
exemplar luce expressum
machina linteorum lavatoria
which mean , refrigerator, photo copier, washing machine
I thought about a Latin title, but I decided on an Elvish one instead… I thought it might make me stand out a bit…
It did, Donna. I’m just wondering what the Venerable would make of it.
Well, Professor Tolkien did have an important connection with the Birmingham Oratory, since his guardian after his mother’s death was a priest of that community…(I’ve often wondered how dear Fr. Morgan dealt with that… your average Oratorian priest suddenly responsible for raising two pre-adolescent boys….must have been a bit of a shock to his system ! )
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