Words are power in motion. The war over words and how they’re used by our society has become the new battleground of the Left. The primary tool in their arsenal is an effort to change the conventional meanings of words used in our daily communication. The morphing of our language is now the front line of the war on our culture and a powerful means for gaining political ground for the Left.
Here are some entries he made:
Animal Rights: 1) The concept of the supremacy of animals’ rights over those of humans. 2) The application of the U.S. Constitution to animals in their legal defense.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): A new disease cured by taking bright kids bored to tears by the poor academic curriculum in our public schools and drugging them to death.
Fascist, a: 1) Anyone who is not a Progressive (see below). 2) People who believe in America’s system of merit and capitalism. 3) Conservatives. (Note: Doesn’t include Leftist genocidal tyrants who brutalize their people in nations throughout the world.) 4) George W. Bush.
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This was moderately funny, but suffers from one very annoying flaw: the authors switches between angry polemic and sarcasm.
E.g., a definition in sarcasm: “Pacifist, a: A person who holds that the defense of no one’s life — or any idea, such as freedom — is so dear that it rises to the level of ‘worth fighting for.’ ” I assume the author disagrees that weenies who won’t fight for anything use the term ‘pacifist’ as a cover.
E.g., a definition in polemic: “Oreo, an: A racist and derogatory term used by Progressives, but parroted with glee by the media, to indicate a black person who works hard to achieve or who doesn’t think like a socialist bum.” Here I assume the author actually thinks the term is racist and derogatory.
If he stayed consistent I’d have enjoyed this more.
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