Domenico Bettinelli posts yet
another story on VOTF and wonders why the Boston Globe spends so much time
on this one group.
Embedding of reporters seems to have worked pretty good in the
Gulf so maybe we might want to encourage embedding of reporters in parishes.
Let them see
the day as the priest see it. Let them follow them around as they visit the
sick, those in prison, hear confessions, give spiritual direction, giving advice
to those with marital and family problems, prepare for and conduct the Mass,
read their Office and pray, and the thousands of other things involved in the
life of a parish priest. Just maybe they will leave their liberal biases behind
as they
see the day to day life of the many self-giving and holy priests.
Then let them follow around the leadership of VOTF for awhile and see the
I have no problem with the Globe exposing those priests who have broken
the vows or any real cover ups involved, I would just like to see some true
balance in the coverage of the church instead of the Catholic Clerical Profiling
that they normally engage in or giving a majority of their coverage to so-called