Amy Welborn has commented that "it was Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed
Catholic who coined the term “St. Blog’s” and was the first Catholic blogger.
Give credit where credit is due!" The starting year for her blog was also
in error and was changed from 1991 to 2001. We here at The Curt Jester are in
the pursuit of the truth and are not afraid to let you know when we are mistaken.
Fr. Fr. Shawn O’Neal has also commented that:
Blog is a nickname of the Serbian name “Blagoje”.
Saint Blagoje lived during the 15th century in Serbia, but there is not much
known about him. He is the patron saint of high-maintenance personality types.
His feast day is 18 October, but those who have a deep devotion to him know
that he really wanted 26 December and that darn St. Stephen just had to be there
and be a high-enough ranking saint that there’s no way that anyone trade days
with him.
Also Gregory Popcak has confirmed
"I am NOT a nice man" and has even bragged about making nuns cry."
This investigation into the dark underbelly of St. Blogs will continue. Kathy
Shaidle is from Canada and the possible real St. Blog was Serbian. There is
a definite foreign connection here, what do they think that the word Catholic
means universal or something.
I always thought that St Blog’s came from “sans blague” — no kidding. That St Blog’s parishioners are without guile, like Nathanael.
I hesitate to argue with Shawn O’Neal, I’m surprised to see that he doesn’t realize that St. Blog is an Irishwoman.
St. Blath of Kildare (January 29) was the laysister who cooked for the community of St. Brigid of Kildare. Her name means “flower”. Obviously, however, her fame spread across the sea to Wales. The Welsh version (Cymricization?) of her name was “Blaguryn”, blossom. The barbarous English cut off the end and simply called her St. Blog. Meanwhile, in Wales, many devout laypeople began following the example of St. Blaguryn. They called themselves “blagur” (the plural form of “blaguryn”). English devotees of course anglicized the term and called themselves “blagurs” or “bloggers”.
(Her French followers call her “Ste. Blague”, of course….)
As long as she’s either Irish or Welsh and not English, I’m OK with that explanation.
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