(Sung to Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof)
All: Abortion Abortion,Abortion (repeat)
Candidates: who day and night
ignore their misgivings,
Appease NARAL and NOW
And Emily’s List
Proclaiming woman’s right to have no children in the house
to kill
them while in the womb.
All: The candidates the candidates, Abortion
Non Mamas: Who must know the way to make a proper home
A quiet home, a
childless home?
Who must make sure nothing gets in the way
So we are free
to ignore the holy book?
All: The non mamas the non mamas Abortion
Predatory males: At thirteen I started having sex
am thankful for
Without the backup of abortion
I couldn’t have kept my
All: Predatory males the Predatory males Abortion (repeat)
Media: And who must hide the facts and only mention choice
Preparing the
lawmakers to silence the child’s voice
All: The media the media Abortion
1 comment
how about this poem…
population… all-time high, n’ we got chinks staying pro life
cause its murder, and immoral, but not adoption, oh that cant be!
you know whats scarry? 5 children being born every second!
china got it right, you’ll put up a fight, if you want your kid to see the day of light!
—–and a good though comes to my head
picturing the entire race dead
everyone gone, just from 1 bomb
we’ll look the other way… as you bomb the bay…