(CNSNews.com) – A disgruntled Florida atheist is upset that the
city of Wildwood is using two angels as part of its holiday display at City
Hall. “Angels are without question a religious symbol, and must be omitted this
year and in the future,” the atheist was quoted as saying.
Even as an atheist I could never understood this type of attitude. If you really
believe that there are no absolutes, no meaning, and when you die that’s it;
how can you then be offended by anything? Wouldn’t you want people to enjoy
this short meaningless life as much as possible. It’s ironic when someone that
doesn’t believe in ultimate consequences when it comes to something that they
don’t approve of, they want there to be consequences. I wonder if he is also
upset about getting Christmas off from work? Lord, may you fill this poor
soul with grace for the upcoming celebration of your birth