Uncategorized Away from the light news and onto even meteor news by Jeffrey Miller October 4, 2002 written by Jeffrey Miller October 4, 2002 Meteor showers could lead to nuclear war. [Full Story]Link via Kevin Miller 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post New definition for Irony next post Tools against the culture of death You may also like Pro-choice saint smack-down August 16, 2006 Former encyclical protestor signs 'Humanae Vitae Pledge' August 3, 2008 Egoblogmaniac October 10, 2002 Must be watched to be believed January 25, 2009 Memorial of St. Monica August 27, 2002 The Cardinal and the detraction distraction September 27, 2002 Holy Priests August 6, 2002 Saint Expeditus April 15, 2004 Ex Corde Ecclesiae October 22, 2002 Fr. Fessio SJ September 19, 2002