…A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that an Indiana law
requiring women to receive counseling before having an abortion was
constitutional, overturning a lower court decision.
The 1995 law requires abortion clinics to give women
information about alternative to abortion in the presence of a doctor or a nurse
18 hours before the abortion is scheduled to be performed. Opponents of the law
said it caused an undue burden on women by requiring them to make two trips to
the clinic.
Yes those wonderful so-called feminist were at it again, suing to prevent the
doctor from giving any information about health risks to woman before receiving
an abortion. Now if a pharmaceutical sued the government to prevent woman from
knowing ahead of time the risks involved in using their medicine, you know there
would be hell-to-pay and talk about greedy companies not caring about the health
of women. But if groups that make money from abortion sue the government for the
same thing, nothing is said. The term pro-choice is such a gigantic lie. Where
are the Planned Parenthood pregnancy centers for woman who want their children?
Where is the NOW woman’s healthcare clinic ensuring that women receive the
proper care during their pregnancies? The name Planned Parenthood is so
laughable, it is like what G.K. Chesterton said about term birth control, “No
birth and no control”.