Yesterday at Mass because of liturgical changes our Pastor had us change the
response from “and also with you ” to the better translation “and with your
spirit” and we all promptly forgot the correct response today. Our priest today
in his homily mentioned that our pastor had asked him to say the correct
response along with the congregation to help us remember it, and he told us that
out of habit he said the old response instead.
I am glad about this change and also the change made to the Creed, “I
believe” ,but the readings still leave a lot to be desired. As I read along in
my older Vatican II Missal I notice the changes made and for the most part they
weaken the text or add inclusive language. Today “miracles” was substituted with
“mighty deeds”. I am no Greek (or English) scholar, but the usually reliable
RSV-CE says:
Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do
all work miracles? — 1 Cor 12:29
Maybe this is trivial but in my opinion “miracles” and “mighty deeds” are
worlds apart theologically.