Uncategorized Welborn Protocol by Jeffrey Miller August 31, 2002 written by Jeffrey Miller August 31, 2002 I’ve added the disclaimer: All correspondence is blogable unless you specifically request otherwise. At first I thought the Welborn Protocol was a Robert Ludlum novel. The Aquitaine Progression The Rhinemann Exchange The Sigma Protocol The Welborn ProtocolThe Bourne Identity etc. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Atheist Seeks End to Hill Chaplaincies next post I couldn't make this up if I tried You may also like Gay Rights Bullies October 13, 2002 Abortionist blogger pleads for money to terminate black... January 13, 2009 Some good quotes August 5, 2002 Cloned baby is will of God, couple says August 12, 2002 Reviews December 22, 2005 I am a Champion: Illumine my powers April 4, 2004 Return to schism, address unknown September 24, 2002 Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary August 15, 2002 Pro-choice saint smack-down August 16, 2006 Zero-population growth guestmap September 21, 2002