The Department of Health welcomed the proposals last night and
confirmed that the bank will include human cells from embryos as well as those
from adults. �We welcome the initiative. The cell bank will provide researchers
with accredited cell lines which have been ethically derived with proper consent
from donors,� a spokeswoman said.
…Woman who undergo IVF treatment
will be asked to donate excess embryos to the bank.
Even in the Pro-Life world in-vitro fertilization seems to be largely
forgotten. I think that this is an obscene procedure especially considering that
they implant multiple children in the hope that one will survive. To me this is
tantamount to throwing six to eight children in a cave with one piece of meat
and then keeping the one that manages to survive. I can understand the
frustration of parents wanting to have their own children, but at what cost? We
are talking about immortal souls which God has created and destined to live with
him forever, not just some clumps of cells for us to manipulate at will.
Sometimes when multiple children survive in the womb they kill some off and call
it “Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction”.
Even if they managed to be 100 percent effective and only implanted one child
it would still be an evil since it is an act apart from the unitive act of
marriage. I’ve decided to spiritually adopt a clinic which does IVF in my area
to pray for the doctors, staff, and the men and women desiring to become
parents. May God give them light.